Avalon Marshes Centre Open Day – Sun 21 May
21/05/2023, 10.00AM-4.00PM

To officially re-open and celebrate the refurbishment of the Centre we are putting on one of our ‘old fashioned’ Open Days. Activities will include:
- Crafts for kids
- Family activities at Avalon Archaeology
- Demos by Somerset Crafts
- Hog Roast at the Cafe
- Tractor rides
- Cutting the red ribbon!
Free, but entry normal entry fees apply to Avalon Archaeology
At Avalon Archaeology, you can dress up in period costumes and explore the reconstructed buildings or take the Art Trail Challenge and see if you can find all the hidden replicas. Try your hand at striking a souvenir Roman, Viking or Saxon coin (£1 per coin) or writing your name in Old English runes.